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First 2 x 2 board for Jubilee.jpg
Team planting WT whips at School 24.11.21.jpg
Rdbt litter pick 21.10.21 b.jpg




Very well attended AGM, 60 people helped to welcome in the new committee for 2024/5 and enjoyed the Awards and cheese and wine social afterwards. We would like to thank everyone who came along and who made it such a success.

We were very sad to lose Julia and Jenny who have stepped down, but will still be helping with our planting etc.

October replanting for the Winter period starts in a couple of weeks.


What a great month this is turning out to be - firstly, at the Anglia in Bloom Awards ceremony in Thetford, Weeley won a Gold for the Village category, and then icing on the cake - Best Community Project in the Specials. Weeley crematorium gained a Silver award.

Then on 8th September we had a great, rain-free day for the Fest4All. It was well attended, people seemed to enjoy themselves, and we raised a lot of money for the Scouts and In Bloom.

Many thanks to everyone who came along and supported the event.


Our very first Open Gardens on Sunday 23rd June proved to be an enjoyable and popular event. Many people visited gardens and it was a very sociable time for all.


£150 was raised for Alzheimer's Research UK, and we thank everyone who participated to help make the event such a success.


Most of the summer changeover planting has been done around the Village and Heath. We have invested in new hanging baskets, which should be appearing over the next few weeks.


April 27th

Fantastic 60's night to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the In Bloom movement.


End March into April

Re-planting has started at Queen's Corner, some trees and shrubs are starting to get used to their new homes, and more perennials will be appearing over the next week.


We hope everyone will enjoy the area as it develops.


More news about the Second Avenue Project in the coming month or two.

February 10th - Latin Evening

A fantastic night was had by all (Over 120 people attended) and a great boost to funds for In Bloom, thank you to everyone who helped and supported the event.

March 15th

We have removed all the planting to the rear of the bench at Queen's Corner, ready for the new replanting project.


Happy New Year to all.


Looking forward to thanking the team at Hilltop café on Monday 15th January. Work still continues down at Weeley Station and the adopters are there most Monday mornings from 10am. Work parties will start again soon for Queen's Corner and Reed pond.



All the autumn planting has now been completed, the mound is remaining mainly plant free this winter to give it a rest. Work parties will be ongoing weather permitting. If anyone wishes to help us with them, please let us add you to our What's App group so you know when and where.



September 20th Anglia in Bloom Awards Ceremony in Huntingdon - WELL DONE WEELEY -

GOLD - LARGE VILLAGE CATEGORYGOLD - KINGS CORONATION DISPLAYSand huge congratulations to St Andrew's C of E School Weeley, awarded by all by AiB judges -BEST YOUNG PEOPLE'S AWARD (Under 12's)



The event was held in conjunction with Weeley/Lt Clacton Scouts, with whom we have developed a great friendship and collaboration.

Building on our great success last year, there were lots of things going on for people to enjoy, from the Beer Tent, the Live bands, and the Dog show, to all the side stalls and refreshments that you come to expect from a good Village Fair/Fete.

This year we had great new activities going on including a very entertaining Dog Agility Display, a huge thank you to the Tailwaggers Dog Club; and to Sophie and her team from Essex Wildlife Trust who made some children very happy getting muddy making seed balls to take home.

We raised over £6,000 to share between the two organisations, thank you everyone who helped on the day, gave donations and sponsorship to the event, and to all those who came along and helped us to raise such a fantastic amount.

We give our grateful thanks to the following sponsors:

The Black Boy

Friendly Finishing

Weeley Post Office and Stores

MJ Green Treework Ltd

Kevin Green Scapes

F E Payne & Sons/Hilltop Garden Centre

D Piper Motors Hillside

Rainbow Nurseries



Our next event is the Fest4All on the playing field, Sunday 17th September 12 - 5pm. Any offers of help with manning stalls would be greatly appreciated.



A quiet month, with the team just keeping on top of the watering and weeding.

Please book for your place on the Yard Sale by 23rd August.


July onwards

Even though the King's Coronation is over, our summer displays will celebrate his Coronation year by keeping the display boards at various points around the village, and having red geraniums everywhere. A big thank you to everyone who worked so hard to help the Village and Heath look their best for the judges' visit on the 7th July.


June 8th

We are sad to announce the death of our President, Mike Brown, who passed away at the weekend.

He has been a valued supporter of Weeley in Bloom, and will be missed greatly by the whole Weeley Community for whom he worked so hard as both a Ward and Parish councillor for many years.

Our sympathy goes out to Claire and the family.



Please say hello to the team as they start the replanting around the village and heath for the summer. If you feel like helping, let us have your details and we'll let you know when and where.


April 8th

The Pond Fest was great, with Bric a Brac, teas and fabulous cakes, plants for sale (grateful thanks to all those who donated towards this including Hilltop Garden Centre and Rainbow Nurseries).

A total of £321.81 was raised towards funds.


April 4th

A meeting with Weeley and Weeley Heath History Group to decide on the design, layout of the information board which will be accompanying the wood carving at Second Avenue - really interesting.



A climbing rose has been planted at the Loop, which we hope will grow to cover the dead branches at the back of the bed. It is called New Dawn, and is in honour of the ascension of King Charles III to the throne.


The rose bed has been prepared around the bench and 10 Queen's roses  planted  Two minarette fruit trees, donated by Ken Muir Ltd have been planted either side to complement the area as part of the Queen's Canopy project.


February 28th


7 members of the WiB team helped to clear some of the huge bramble bush near the school on the bridge, to make it easier to walk along. 


February 11th

A great time had by all at the inaugural work party at the Second Avenue Wilding Project.

A big thank you to all, especially Peter Harris who came along to lend a hand.



Essex Wildlife Trust are encouraging Towns and Villages to become 'wilder'. We are undertaking two projects - one at Spencer Way, creating a Wildflower grassland, and the other at the junction of Second Avenue and St Andrews Road to create a wilder, community orientated space with fruit trees and native shrubs, somewhere to sit and to picnic.





Delighted to announce that we have been nominated in the TDC New Year's Honours list, for a Pride of Tendring Award, and will be invited along to the Award ceremony at Clacton Town Hall on Thursday 9th February.



Still working hard at the Loop to clear all the dead shrubbery and brambles behind the newly installed Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bench. 10 rose bushes have been ordered to be placed in a bed around the back and sides of the bench. 5 Queen Elizabeth II and 5 Platinum Jubilee. New planting will take place at the rear to fill in the gaps left by the clearance.



Thank you to everyone who came to the Latin evening, a good fundraiser for us. Over the next few weeks there will be a changeover in planting ready for the Winter /Spring

24th Sept - Fantastic time at our AGM, well attended with just under 50 people attending. A very pleasant social evening afterwards - we thank Morrisions for subsidising the event.


7th Sept

Hoorah - Weeley retained its Silver Gilt Award at the Anglia in Bloom Ceremony, and also gained a GOLD for our Queen's Platinum Jubilee Displays.

1st Sept

The Weeley-Wide Yard Sale on August Bank Holiday Sunday proved to be a fun event, with some of us making lots of dosh, and able to find new homes for lots of stuff.


We will be finding out how Weeley did in the Anglia in Bloom judging on Wednesday 7th September at Orsett Hall.


Looking to encourage protection of our heritage

A suggestion has been made, and a proposal is being put forward to Weeley PC and Tendring DC for a life-sized wooden sculpture be made of a soldier of the Napoleonic era. It is felt that a more physical reminder of Weeley's past is to be encouraged, allowing us to take Pride in Place and celebrate our heritage. Siting will hopefully be on the opposite side of the road to Loop Green and the Christmas tree. Watch this space for further details


15th July - Well, the Anglia in Bloom judges have been, and we hope we have done enough to maintain our Silver Gilt. Many thanks to the councillors who have really supported us this year, thanks to the team who all worked so hard, and many thanks to residents, many gardens looked stunning along the route - so thank you all.


19th June - Fantastic fun had by all at the Fest4All, and a huge amount raised to be shared between Weeley Scout Group and Weeley in Bloom. An enormous thank you to helpers and supporters of the event - we couldn't have done it without you.


26th May - Getting ready for the Queens Platinum Jubilee - emblems will be displayed at the Fire and Ambulance stations and Weeley Council offices.



May A heads up that the team will be out and about over the next couple of weeks for the changeover of planting. Guess what colours will be predominating? Ah, you've realised - it's going to be white and purple. It's also the Weeley/Lt Clacton Scouts 50th Anniversary. Look out for bits and bobs to celebrate the Jubilee as we progress. If anyone would like to help then please let us know.



16th April A very pleasurable morning had by all at our PondFest event at the Village pond.



Many thanks to everyone who attended our Latin Dance evening on 5th February. We raised £466+ thanks to your generous support. This will go a long way towards the cost of planting this spring.


A new year begins, and the team are busy thinking of the seeds and cuttings they are going to be sowing and potting up ready for plant sales later in the year to raise funds.



The WiB team wishes everyone a very Happy Christmas, and look forward to the New Year.


24th November - Members of the team had a great time helping the school children to plant 27 trees, donated by the Woodland Trust, around the school playing field.


15th November - Tubs and containers purchased by Weeley Village Hall have been planted up today - we hope people enjoy them.


21st October - Fantastic effort at the main Weeley/McDonalds roundabout where members of the Litter Pick team collected a mountain of rubbish.


Late October - All the pansies should be planted by the end of the month. The geraniums gave a wonderful show during this summer, we hope the pansies will do the same during the winter months.


6th October - Just counted the 3 bags of bulbs, and we now have 1,325 instead of the proposed 900. Weeley is going to be full of daffodils next Spring!


18th September - A thoroughly enjoyable AGM this evening. 35 residents, councillors and business people attended, and we would like to thank everyone for their support and donations which helped boost our coffers ready for the next planting, due in mid-October onwards. We have another 900 daffodil bulbs to plant this year.


23rd August - We are very grateful to April Young- our new village vet. She has kindly donated many of the plants from the surgery premises, otherwise they would have been lost to the new car park. Members of the team worked hard over two mornings to dig up roses, hibiscus and many other varieties of plants and bulbs. Some have been placed at the pond, others will be planted at the station. The rest will be sold over time. Thank you April.


July - Many thanks to Dan Land for enabling an ECC grant to pay for the troughs and planting at the petanque court, and for more bulbs to plant in the autumn. Plant sales at various points around the Village and Heath have done very well, and helped us raise more funds to enable us to keep renewing planting around the area.


June - Everywhere around the village is now in full bloom with our geranium displays. We hope you all are cheered by them, even in all this wet and cold weather!


May - towards the end of the month onwards, we will be starting to change over from pansies to geraniums in all our displays. Please stop and say hello if you're passing by.


15th May -Fundraising event at Weeley Scout Hut on the Playing Field. Why not come along, and enjoy a little distanced socialising before the lockdown eases.


Mid-April - Please say hello to team members when they are out and about - we are busy dead-heading and watering at the moment - when did April not have its showers?


1st April - We are delighted to have received £400 from Tendring District Council, towards buying new Litter Pick Equipment, and thank them for their support.March -Spring is here and all the 8000+ bulbs planted over the last few years at the roundabout and down Clacton Road poplar avenue are hopefully brightening everyone's day.


9th March - It seems we may have found an artist willing to create a mural for us to place behind the bench on the station platform which will hopefully hide the mess behind the fencing, and make the area more appealing.


2nd January

Sadly, two tyre planters have been stolen from the Pond Farm Bus Stop on Weeley Heath. This is not the first time we have had planters taken - a very unfriendly, anti-social act by people who obviously don't care about our community.



3rd November

Following the departure of Ruth and Robin Whitworth who did a wonderful job as Station Adopters, Weeley Bloomers are taking on the Adopters mantle, and will be trying to keep Weeley Station area tidy and more welcoming for the future.


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